Example applications


  1. Register a github application with Authorization callback URL as http://localhost:5000/oauth/authorized/github/

  2. Ensure you have github3.py package installed:

    $ cdvirtualenv src/invenio-oauthclient
    $ pip install -e .[github]
  3. Grab the Client ID and Client Secret after registering the application and add them to your instance configuration as consumer_key and consumer_secret.

    $ export GITHUB_APP_CREDENTIALS_KEY=my_github_client_id
    $ export GITHUB_APP_CREDENTIALS_SECRET=my_github_client_secret
  4. Create database and tables:

    $ pip install -e .[all]
    $ cd examples
    $ export FLASK_APP=github_app.py
    $ ./app-setup.py

You can find the database in examples/github_app.db.

  1. Run the development server:

    $ flask run -p 5000 -h ''
  2. Open in a browser the page

    You will be redirected to github to authorize the application.

    Click on Authorize application and you will be redirected back to http://localhost:5000/oauth/signup/github/, where you will be able to finalize the local user registration, inserting email address.

    Insert e.g. fuu@bar.it as email address and send the form.

    Now, you will be again in homepage but this time it say: hello fuu@bar.it.

    You have completed the user registration.

  3. To be able to uninstall the example app:

    $ ./app-teardown.sh


  1. Register an orcid application with Authorization callback URL as http://localhost:5000/oauth/authorized/orcid/

  2. Install oauthclient:

    cdvirtualenv src/invenio-oauthclient
    pip install -e .[orcid]
  3. Grab the Client ID and Client Secret after registering the application and add them to your instance configuration as consumer_key and consumer_secret.

    $ export ORCID_APP_CREDENTIALS_KEY=my_orcid_client_id
    $ export ORCID_APP_CREDENTIALS_SECRET=my_orcid_client_secret
  4. Create database and tables:

    $ pip install -e .[all]
    $ cd examples
    $ export FLASK_APP=orcid_app.py
    $ ./app-setup.py

You can find the database in examples/orcid_app.db.

  1. Run the development server:

    $ flask -a orcid_app.py run -p 5000 -h ''
  2. Open in a browser the page

    You will be redirected to orcid to authorize the application.

    Click on Authorize application and you will be redirected back to, where you will be able to finalize the local user registration, inserting email address.

    Insert e.g. fuu@bar.it as email address and send the form.

    Now, you will be again in homepage but this time it say: hello fuu@bar.it.

    You have completed the user registration.

  3. To be able to uninstall the example app:

    $ ./app-teardown.sh


  1. Register a CERN application in https://sso-management.web.cern.ch/OAuth/RegisterOAuthClient.aspx with redirect_uri as https://localhost:5000/oauth/authorized/cern/ and filling all the other fields:

  2. Ensure you have gunicorn package installed:

    cdvirtualenv src/invenio-oauthclient
    pip install -e gunicorn
  3. Ensure you have openssl installed in your system (Most of the Linux distributions has it by default.).

  1. Grab the client_id and secret_uri after registering the application and add them to your instance configuration as consumer_key and consumer_secret.

    $ export CERN_APP_CREDENTIALS_KEY=my_cern_client_id
    $ export CERN_APP_CREDENTIALS_SECRET=my_cern_secret_uri
  2. Create database and tables:

    $ pip install -e .[all]
    $ cd examples
    $ export FLASK_APP=cern_app.py
    $ ./app-setup.py

You can find the database in examples/cern_app.db.

  1. Create the key and the certificate in order to run a HTTPS server:

    $ openssl genrsa 1024 > ssl.key
    $ openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -key ssl.key > ssl.crt
  2. Run gunicorn server:

    $ gunicorn -b :5000 --certfile=ssl.crt --keyfile=ssl.key cern_app:app
  3. Open in a browser the page https://localhost:5000/cern.

    You will be redirected to CERN to authorize the application.

    Click on Grant and you will be redirected back to https://localhost:5000/oauth/authorized/cern/

    Now, you will be again in homepage but this time it say: hello youremail@cern.ch.

    You have completed the user authorization.

  4. To be able to uninstall the example app:

    $ ./app-teardown.sh


  1. Register a Globus application at https://developers.globus.org/ with the Redirect URL as http://localhost:5000/oauth/authorized/globus/. See here for more documentation: https://docs.globus.org/api/auth/developer-guide/#register-app

  2. Grab the Client ID and Client Secret after registering the application and add them to your instance configuration as consumer_key and consumer_secret.

    $ export GLOBUS_APP_CREDENTIALS_KEY=my_globus_client_id
    $ export GLOBUS_APP_CREDENTIALS_SECRET=my_globus_client_secret
  3. Create database and tables:

    $ cdvirtualenv src/invenio-oauthclient
    $ pip install -e .[all]
    $ cd examples
    $ export FLASK_APP=globus_app.py
    $ ./app-setup.py

You can find the database in examples/globus_app.db.

  1. Run the development server:

    $ flask run -p 5000 -h ''
  2. Open in a browser the page http://localhost:5000/globus.

    You will be redirected to globus to authorize the application.

    Click on Allow and you will be redirected back to http://localhost:5000/oauth/signup/globus/, where you will be able to finalize the local user registration.

  3. To clean up and drop tables:

    $ ./app-teardown.sh